5 Celebrations And Rituals To Celebrate Beltane In 2023

5 Celebrations And Rituals To Celebrate Beltane In 2023
Do you feel like your life is out of sync? Well, today's the perfect day to get back into a rhythm.
...I'm sure you're feeling the new energy of Spring. I always find this the best time to set my New Year's Resolutions, because it's so much easier to work with the energy.
Excerpt from Beltane.Org
"Today is one of the four quarter-day festivals called Beltane. It's the midway point between the Spring Equinox, which happened on March 20th, and the Summer Solstice, which happens on June 21st at 7:57 am.
The word ‘Beltane’ roughly translates as ‘bright fire’ and, as such, one of the most important rituals, which survives today in our modern festival, concerns the lighting of the Beltane bonfire.
The fire was seen as a purifier and healer and would have been walked around and danced/jumped over by the members of the community. Farmers would also have driven their cattle between bonfires to cleanse and protect them before being put out into the fields.
In ancient communities, all hearth fires would have been extinguished and a new neid fire lit which would have then been used to relight people’s hearths in their own homes. In this way, the community was connected to each other by the sacred fire which was central to all. The festival would also have been a time of courtship rituals and a celebration of our own fertility!"
Modern practices of celebration, based on ancient Iron-Age Celtic traditions, are still going strong today.
Ancient civilizations were deeply connected to nature and communed with the seasonal changes in their lives. It kept them in balance and in gratitude.
How to celebrate Beltane
- Celebrate with fire (safely, of course). You can create a bonfire or just use a candle. It symbolizes purification and fertility.
- Create a ritual bath for beauty. You can infuse the water with your favorite herbs, flower, and essences.
- Have a feast. Indulge in a lovingly prepared meal with family and friends. Eat outside if the weather allows.
- Plant your garden. Fertility also can be expressed in your garden, so tap into the earth bursting with new energy.
- Create a May Pole. You can search the internet to get inspiration. A May Pole symbolizes the female energy wrapping itself around the male form.
- Set up a Beltane altar. Think Springtime with colors and greenery. Use whatever bring you Springtime joy.
Mythology: The God and Goddess of Spring had been separated all Winter and the lovers are reunited in the Springtime. This is where the May Pole symbolizes this reunion.
Beltane can be a fun, joyous time to come together and celebrate life and all the pleasures of being alive.
Here's to tuning yourself to Earth's natural rhythms with deep gratitude.
Ps...Grab my F*ree High Vibe Morning Rhythm Mp3 by popping over to my new website. Click the link below.