How Integration Breathwork™️ Helps You Ease Stress, Anxiety And Emotional Blocks

Discover the Power of Integration Breathwork™️: A Path to Healing and Personal Liberation


If you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or just need a deep emotional reset (and honestly, who doesn't), Integration Breathwork™️ might be exactly what you're looking for.


What is Integration Breathwork™️?


Integration Breathwork™️ is a holistic healing modality that combines Transformational Breathwork—a three-part circular, conscious breathing technique—with other impactful practices like Reiki, Life Coaching, Neo-Shamanic Tools, and Sound Healing.


This gentle yin-style breathwork helps you relax deeply, releasing emotional blocks, traumas, and limiting beliefs without overwhelming your senses. The three-part circular, conscious breathing technique gently relaxes your body, enabling you to release deep-seated emotional blocks, unresolved traumas, and limiting beliefs.


...The best part? It's all done in a way that won't overwhelm your senses.


Here's a convo I had with a client...


“Come on Lorie, I know how to breathe?” One of my clients told me this when I told her about my new offering. 


…I smiled and said, “Well, honestly, most of us don’t know how to use our breath properly to help us to heal.” 


Then I explained about our Diaphram, which is the bell-shaped muscle under our lungs that helps us breathe can be dysregulated, which means we either breathe just into our chest, hyperventilate or we hold our breath.


...These dysfunctional breathing patterns keep your body in a stressed state (sympathetic nervous system) which can lead to all sorts of health challenges like inflammation, high blood pressure, digestion issues, etc.


Why is Integration Breathwork™️ So Powerful?


Breathwork is more than just a breathing exercise; it's a gateway to profound healing and personal growth. Here are some of the incredible benefits you can expect:


  1. Release Suppressed Emotions: Through controlled breathing, you can access and release emotions that have been stored in your body, freeing yourself from past traumas and stress.
  2. Clear Energetic Blocks: Breathwork helps you to open up energy channels, allowing life force to flow freely. This can lead to significant emotional and physical healing, helping you feel more balanced and aligned.
  3. Boost Mental Clarity: Regular breathwork practice can enhance your focus, creativity, and mental clarity, making it easier to navigate life's challenges with a calm and clear mind.
  4. Enhance Self-Awareness: As you connect deeply with your breath, you become more attuned to your inner world, fostering self-discovery and personal growth.
  5. Improve Overall Well-being: By integrating breathwork into your routine, you can experience increased energy levels, better sleep, reduced anxiety, and a greater sense of peace and well-being.

Integration Breathwork™️ isn’t just about breathing; it’s about creating a safe, trauma-informed space where you can deeply engage with your inner healing processes.


Imagine feeling lighter, more centered, and empowered to live a fulfilling


...Ready to experience the transformational power of your breath?


If you're ready to experience the incredible benefits of Integration Breathwork™️, I invite you to join me for a session. Together, we’ll unlock new levels of peace, energy, and well-being, helping you live your best life.


Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want to learn more about how Integration Breathwork™️ can benefit you. Let's breathe together and embark on this transformative journey.


SCHEDULE A Free Clarity Call with me HERE


With love & gratitude,

Lorie Solay, 

Certified Integration Breathwork Facilitator

Ps...By bringing breathwork into your life, you're not only taking a step towards personal liberation, you're also embracing a practice that supports your overall well-being. I'd be honored to share this journey with you!




CLEVER COMEBACKS is your playful, confidence-boosting guide to help you reclaim your time, energy, and self-worth by saying "NO" — one witty response at a time!


Your 30 Snappy Comebacks Fall into these Humorous Themes: (Fantasy/Whimsical) (Zen/Radical Self-Care) (Smart sASS/Clever) (Regal Queen) (Pop Culture) (Mission Impossible)

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