How To Harness The Magical Energy Of Lion's Gate Portal On August 8th, 2024

How to Embrace the Spiritual Power of 8/8 Lion's Gate


The 8/8 Lion’s Gate is a cosmic event that holds profound spiritual significance. Occurring on August 8th each year, this portal is believed to open a gateway of heightened energy and spiritual awakening. Rooted in ancient wisdom, the Lion’s Gate has been recognized and celebrated by various cultures throughout history, symbolizing a powerful time for transformation and manifestation. It's considered a very auspicious event. 

Ancient Wisdom and Cultural Significance of Lion's Gate

The Lion's Gate Portal activates when the star Sirius, closest to Earth, aligns with the Sun in Leo, symbolized by the brave lion. Sirius is also known as the "Dog Star" and is the brightest star in our sky at night.

In Ancient Egypt, Sirius was associated with the goddess Isis, revered in mythology for her ties to fertility, renewal, and the flooding of the Nile which ensured fertile lands and abundant harvests. The rising of Sirius in alignment with the Great Pyramid of Giza marked a time of renewal and spiritual rebirth for the Egyptians.

In numerology, 8 symbolizes abundance, power, and balance. The double eight on August 8th amplifies these energies, creating an optimal time for setting intentions and aligning with one’s highest self. Interestingly, the 8 on its side is the infinite symbol ā™¾ļø

The Spiritual Power of the Lion’s Gate

The 8/8 Lion’s Gate is not just about astrological alignments but also about accessing higher realms of consciousness. During this time, the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is believed to be thinner, making it easier to receive divine messages and guidance. This period offers a unique opportunity to release old patterns, heal past wounds, and step into a new, more empowered version of yourself.

How to Harness the Energy of the Lion’s Gate

  1. Set Clear Intentions: Take some quiet time to reflect on what you truly want to create in your life. Write down your intentions and visualize and feel them into existence. We first create in the psychic realm before it becomes a physical reality. The energy of the Lion’s Gate supports manifestation, so be clear and envision your dreams "as if" you're living them right now. 
  2. Meditate: Spend time in meditation to connect with the heightened energies of the portal. Focus on your heart chakra, as this is a powerful time for heart-centered intentions and healing, by using heart coherence methods. Check out Heart Math Institute’s website if you’re not familiar with HRV meditation. 
  3. Practice Gratitude: Gratitude raises your vibration and amplifies your personal "field"  helping you feel the "oneness" of our abundant universe. Make a list of things you are grateful for and feel the positive energy it brings. Q. Did you know that "Thank You" is a very high-vibe statement? Just notice how you feel when you use it. 
  4. Release and Let Go: Use this time to let go of anything that no longer serves you. If you're living with old beliefs and habits, you're living in the past. Releasing these can make incredible space for new, positive energies to enter your life. 
    1. My Favorite Exercise: I love making a paper chain. I first write on each slip of paper the things I’m releasing, then I create the chain. Finally, I physically break the chain and then burn it. It’s a powerful exercise that feels like a huge somatic release. 
  5. Connect with Nature: Spend time outdoors and connect with the natural world. The energies of the Lion’s Gate are amplified in nature, helping you to ground and integrate the new frequencies.
  6. Solar Powered Water: Place a mason jar of water out for the day and let the sun energize it. Sip it feeling the super-charged water transforming every cell in your body. 

Embrace the Journey


The 8/8 Lion’s Gate is a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness of all things and the infinite possibilities available to us. By embracing this spiritual portal, you can align with your highest potential and step into a more empowered, abundant, and enlightened version of yourself.

Whether you’re new to this cosmic event or have celebrated it for years, the Lion’s Gate offers a profound opportunity for growth and transformation. So, take a deep breath, set your intentions, and let the energy of the Lion’s Gate guide you on your spiritual journey.


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