Hey Momma, are you tired of being so freakin' tired?


5 Easy Ways To Relax And Take A Breather!

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More Energy Means...

  • You'll breeze through home responsibilities, work commitments, and personal projects with less brain fog and more crystal-clear focus and concentration.
  • You'll play more games, read more stories, and feel more present in memorable moments with your family. 
  • You'll laugh more, yell less, and delight in magical moments. 
  • You'll feel loads more self-compassion, self-love, ease, and grace. 

 Because...it's just way too easy for you to find yourself constantly on the go, juggling endless tasks and obligations without pause. Yet, in the midst of caring for others, you can give yourself permission to take a breather. 

Inside the FREE guidebook, you're getting...


5 of my favorite, Science-Based, Nervous System Reset Strategies that helped with my Chronic Fatigue (CFS) recovery.

✨ Fun, easy-to-follow, fixes that take less than 10 minutes so you can relax and charge up your batteries. 

✨ One brilliant, little-known psychological trick to help you unplug from your stress triggers (think holidays, PTA, lack of support, insensitive bosses, inlaws, etc) for a fresh, new perspective for a relaxed, confident you. 

Clients Who've Worked With Me and/or Invested In My Courses

Hey there, I’m Lorie,


My personal health crisis with Chronic Fatigue (CFS) was tough and scary. At the time, I was a working mom (still am) with two young boys under the age of 10 yrs.

Four years of ups and downs, where I Missed So Many Precious Moments with my family, and had ZERO Energy to Grow My Biz.  It was BRUTAL!

The silver lining was I learned Invaluable Lessons in Self-worth, Self-care, and how to Set Empowered Limits that I want to pass on to you.

In my FREE guidebook, I’m sharing a handful of my "go-to" science-based, nervous system reset strategies that helped with my recovery.

I’m on a mission to encourage you to prioritize your health...so you can AVOID unnecessary health challenges that can rob you of so much.


Award-Winning Woman's Empowerment Coach 

My Motto: "Empowering Women...without Leaving Our Men Behind!"

5 Easy Ways To Relax And Take A Breather!


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