According to Motherly's, State of Motherhood report, just 35% of moms over 30 say they share equal household duties with their partner 🤯

...Get Some Quick Relief from Your Mental Load In 48 Hours, or Less


By Mastering the Art of


with your precious time and energy

AND Watch Your Self-Worth Soar!


Say goodbye to exhaustion, overwhelm, chronic people-pleasing, and secret resentment (guilt-free) 


Get Some QUICK RELIEF from Your Mental Load In 48 hrs, or Less.





Say goodbye 👋 to exhaustion, overwhelm, chronic people-pleasing, and secret resentment (guilt-free) 


It's NOT About Placing Blame—It's About Strengthening Self-Confidence And Self-Worth AND Deepening Bonds With Those You Love. 

 It's easy to feel overwhelmed, overworked, and unappreciated when you're juggling a bazillion things ALL at once. 


From deadlines at work, kids' school schedules, extracurricular activities, planning meals, shopping, cleaning, AND 1000 other things that can be part of the never-ending “invisible” workload. You're taking care of everyone else's needs, but you're neglecting the most important person...YOU!

You're probably struggling because...

  • You're feeling the heavy burden of expectation to handle ALL aspects of the kids and the household, even if you're holding down a full-time job, or running your own business.
  • You're chronically neglecting yourself. You might be saying "As soon as I get these tasks done, then I'll take a break." But the tasks are endless.
  • You mourn your former "fun" self. You might be saying to yourself, "I don't know what happened to me. I don't even recognize myself anymore." Maybe it's because you've given up and sacrificed so much of what you once were. 
  • You feel Exhausted, Empty, Alone. You feel like no one's throwing you a lifeline. 
  • You might be saying to yourself, "I feel like I’m failing in every area of my life...every single day." Shame may be a constant companion, and you think something's wrong with you because you can't figure out how to get unstuck. It seems like everyone else has it figured out. 
  • You're stuffing down deep resentment and anger because your partner/family does literally NOTHING to help share the load. 

It's NOT your fault!


THE GOOD NEWS: Things can definitely get MUCH better...






IMAGINE How Liberated You'll Feel When You've Got Some Empowered Limits In Place

  • CHILL VIBES: You'll say goodbye to stress and parental burnout! Setting boundaries means less chaos and more calm in your life.
  • INTIMACY SKYROCKETS: Parents are reporting more quality time and more and better sex (wow, just wow!). 
  • HAPPY HEADSPACE: Boost your mental game, keeping you cool, calm, and collected with more boundaries & self-worth.
  • ENERGY SAVER: You'll keep that mom fuel tank full! Learning to say "NO" to people and things that drain your energy means more energy for the stuff you love.
  • TIME ALCHEMIST: You'll feel amazed with how you can whip up more hours in your day! Boundaries are the secret ingredients to ruling your time management realm with confidence and ease.
  • LIFE'S A TREAT: Feelin' good, lookin' good! Boundaries & self-worth mean more moments of joy, playfulness, and pleasure. 
  • MOM THE MODEL: You'll teach your kiddos respect and responsibility, making your life easier and parents report less anxious kids. 
  • MINDFUL MAINTENANCE: You matter, too! Boundaries are your allies in self-love & self-worth, gently reminding you to make time for yourself.
  • "GIRL TIME" GALORE: Boundaries are your BFFs for self-care, reminding you to give yourself permission to put yourself first sometimes. They empower you to spend quality time with girlfriends, indulge in hobbies, and rediscover the vibrant woman you used to be.

AND You Probably Agree...It's Time the Load Gets Shared!

The home is a great place to start, here's why!


 “According to the United Nations, the modern woman still does nearly 3X as much unpaid labor, domestic work, and childcare as a man.Excerpt from the book Fair Play by Eve Rodsky

According to the Skylight Mental Load report, parents tend to spend 30.4 hours a week taking up 63% of their brain space scheduling, planning, and handling the mental load. That's practically a full-time job where you'd be making $60,000 a year.

79% report feeling anxiety about all the scheduling and planning that a family requires.

 If your household is experiencing the unspoken expectations, lopsided divisions of labor, and the dusty old gender roles that are playing a part in an unhealthy dynamic...


THEN, isn't it time to make a change? Especially for the sake of your health!



Award-Winning Boundaries & Self-Worth Coach

Mission: Empower Women...without leaving our men behind!


Are you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and struggling to find balance in your life as a busy, high-achieving mom?


I understand the challenges you face and the toll it takes on your well-being.

Hi, I’m Lorie Solay. I'm an award-winning empowerment coach. I not only found a way to personally recover from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and I also discovered ways to save my marriage.

I've also had the privilege of guiding hundreds of moms like yourself to reclaim their time and energy and get back to the women they were before kids. And now, I'm here with one mission: to help you do the same.

Imagine a life where you confidently prioritize your needs and stop overextending yourself. Together, we'll create the space you need to recover and thrive.

If you're ready to break free from the cycle of chronic exhaustion, emptiness, and overwhelm, join me on this transformative journey.

Remember, you have the right — and the power — to prioritize your well-being.


Module One


Boundary Intuition

Identify & hold your inner boundaries with ease

(Valued at $227.00)


In this module, you’ll gain insight into your default boundary personality with the Boundary Profile assessment. Upon completion, you’ll know when to say yes, and how to say no in a way that's comfortable for you.


🖥️ Format: Watch and learn or listen on the go with the private app

⏱️ Time to complete: 45 minutes (self-paced)

💫 Time to see results: Instantly upon implementing what you’ve learned

Module Two


Empowered Limits

Recognize the 6 essential areas in your life that can blossom with better limits

(Valued at $227.00)


In this module, you’ll learn about the 6 essential areas in your life that can blossom with some loving attention by using the Six Sector Boundary Blueprint. Upon completion, you’ll feel more confident and relaxed, because you'll know your priorities. 


🖥️ Format: Watch and learn or listen on the go with our private app

⏱️ Time to complete: 35 minutes (self-paced)

💫 Time to see results: Instantly upon implementing what you’ve learned

Module Three


Crystal Clear Communication

Boost intimacy in your relationships by confidently sharing your truth with openness & honesty

(Valued at $227.00)


In this module, you’ll gain the confidence to speak your truth by building new habits of communication with supportive scripts and conversation builder exercises. Upon completion, you'll feel less hesitation to confidently express yourself to get your needs met and be "unapologetically" you. 

🖥️ Format: Watch and learn or listen on the go with our private app

⏱️ Time to complete: 30 minutes (self-paced)

💫 Time to see results: Instantly upon implementing what you’ve learned



Love & Encouragement Meditation Audio

Enjoy some extra empowering support that feels like a virtual hug

(Valued at $27.00)


This bonus is an extra gem of love and encouragement to keep going.

Listen to this meditation as often as you'd like, especially when you need support that feels like a virtual hug. 

Format: Watch or listen on the go with our private app

Time to complete meditation: 20 minutes

Time to see results: Instantly feel a jolt of inspiration and motivation to keep prioritizing your well-being. 

This Course Is Perfect For...


Busy, High-Achieving Moms 


Busy, high-achieving moms are time-strapped, so course modules are broken up into bite-size lessons that are 15 min, or less.

The training can be completed in under 2 hours. With new skills, you can start transforming your life within 48 hours, or less. 

Here's The Great News! 

The training inside The Boundary Foundry™️ has been designed to teach your subconscious mind to notice and remove old, unhealthy boundary patterns, AND replace them with healthy, self-loving, time & energy-protective habits. 


Hmmm...My Momma's Intuition Senses Some Possible Concerns. 

Let's Cover Old Myths Vs The Truth

Old Myth: If moms wanted to be pampered they shouldn't have become a mom

The Truth: Self-care isn't selfish. Moms have the right — and the power — to prioritize their well-being. When moms take good care of themselves, they can take better care of others. They have more energy and vitality for themselves, their family, their home, and their job. Becoming a mom doesn't mean you have to sacrifice who you are or put your well-being or your goals on the back burner. 


Old Myth: I can just solve this with my mom friends

The Truth: A support system is definitely invaluable, yet most of my mom clients find that get-togethers become more about complaining and drinking wine. They walk away still feeling stuck in the same place. What they yearned for was a community led by a professional that supports and empowers them. A professional that gives them actionable steps and loving accountability so they can get unstuck. 


Old Myth: Something's wrong with me, because I can't figure this out. Other moms seem to have it all together.

The Truth: There's nothing wrong with you ❤️ You're doing your absolute best! Most other moms are struggling behind the scenes, too. Moms are expected to do it all perfectly and sacrifice themselves to the point where they no longer recognize themselves. It's old, outdated expectations and myths that women have an infinite amount of time that's to blame here. Men's time tends to be more values than women's, btw. 



You Can Start Getting Relief In 48 HOURS, or LESS with this course I made just for YOU.


Module One


Boundary Intuition

Identify & hold your inner boundaries with ease

(Valued at $227.00)


In this module, you’ll gain insight into your default boundary personality with the Boundary Profile assessment. Upon completion, you’ll know when to say yes, and how to say no in a way that's comfortable for you.


🖥️ Format: Watch and learn or listen on the go with the private app

⏱️ Time to complete: 45 minutes (self-paced

💫 Time to see results: Instantly upon implementing what you’ve learned

Module Two


Empowered Limits

Recognize the 6 essential areas in your life that can blossom with better limits

(Valued at $227.00)


In this module, you’ll learn about the 6 essential areas in your life that can blossom with some loving attention by using the Six Sector Boundary Blueprint. Upon completion, you’ll feel more confident and relaxed, because you'll know your priorities. 


🖥️ Format: Watch and learn or listen on the go with our private app

⏱️ Time to complete.: 35 minutes (self-paced)

💫 Time to see results: Instantly upon implementing what you’ve learned

Module Three


Crystal Clear Communication

Boost intimacy in your relationships by confidently sharing your truth with openness & honesty

(Valued at $227.00)


In this module, you’ll gain the confidence to speak your truth by building new habits of communication with supportive scripts and conversation builder exercises. Upon completion, you'll feel less hesitation to confidently express yourself to get your needs met and be "unapologetically" you. 

🖥️ Format: Watch and learn or listen on the go with our private app

⏱️ Time to complete30 minutes (self-paced)

💫 Time to see results: Instantly upon implementing what you’ve learned



Love & Encouragement Meditation Audio

Enjoy some extra empowering support that feels like a virtual hug

(Valued at $27.00)


This bonus is an extra gem of love and encouragement to keep going.

Listen to this meditation as often as you'd like, especially when you need support that feels like a virtual hug. 

Format: Watch or listen on the go with our private app

Time to complete meditation: 20 minutes

Time to see results: Instantly feel a jolt of inspiration and motivation to keep prioritizing your well-being. 


Important Disclaimer:  If you’re dealing with someone who’s physically dangerous or threatening you, it may not be safe to attempt to set boundaries with them. If you’re in this situation, please seek professional help like a counselor, therapist, or advocate to help you create a safety plan. You can contact National Domestic Hotline at 800-799-SAFE (7233) or www.thehotline.org. This online course and the coaching products within are not intended to cure, treat, or diagnose medical conditions. Coaching, general meditation practices, and apps are not a replacement for therapy. Meditation, hypnosis & mindfulness can be a component of an overall treatment plan when monitored by a healthcare professional. The mindful meditation audios in this program are purely for relaxation support and are not intended as psychological intervention, or as a substitute for professional services. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed. If you're in need of psychological help, you should seek help from a licensed mental health professional. Please use the audio when you're in a safe space to relax and enjoy. Please do not use audio while driving a vehicle, using heavy machinery, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Consult your physician if you have any neurological or other issues that would prevent you from using these audio products. | The Boundary Foundry is a digital product only. No physical products will be shipped. After you place your order, you’ll get INSTANT ACCESS to the course, and to download all digital product components onto your computer. The format for all manuals, Ebooks, cheat sheets, etc, is Adobe Acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC. Individual results may vary. Buying this course doesn't mean it will work as well for you as it did for others. Like all things in life, you’ll get out of it what you put into it, so if you buy this and never use it, it's unlikely to work for you.